The Myth of ‘Victimless’ Crimes

In our quest to bring you instances of Integrity versus Corruption, which side is winning, here is Jon Stewart, (nice Scots surname, by the way) taking Donald Trump’s, (nice first name, by the way,) apologists to task who claim no one is hurt by Trump grossly exaggerating the extent of his real estate wealth in order to buy more bank loans at low interest rates and avoid tax at the same time. The little people don’t need wealth spread among us.

I mean, think about it, why would a serious narcissist, liar and multiple bankruptcy blowhard of a businessman, (nice illiteration, by the way) inflate the amount of wealth he has, or doesn’t have? It’s so clear the poor hard working, overly-honest megalomaniac is only making a dime to keep body and soul together. Enjoy.

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