Ash Regan’s Mission Statement

Ash Regan SNP MSP

Here published is SNP leadership candidate Ash Regan’s promises to see the SNP back to robust, inclusive health. The other contender, Angus Roberston has yet to publish his statement of oath. This site has endorsed her canditature with some hesitancy.

Any new leader will be faced with a number of latter-day colonials brought into the party’s NEC by Peter Murrell and Sturgeon, a lingering threat to the authority of a fresh mind with fresh policies. Murrell has to be told to pack his bags. He has a police inquiry hanging over his head regarding the missing ‘ring-fenced’ donations. That alone, disqualifies him from staying in his post. Colonial watchdogs such as Murray Foote in Communications, co-architect of the illegal Vow. No one can find a trace of reasonable work he was tasked to undertake.

It’s time to go for liar ‘You don’t get to use the pound sterling’ former UK Treasury boss, Sir Nicholas MacPherson. He too must be told to look for other work with a month’s notice.

Studying colonial history, I am not callous enough to ship insurgents, fifth columnists and seditionists to a remote island somewhere, but I propose the new leader of the SNP has a clean-out. The King of England, George V, on seeing the 1922 collapse of the General Strike uttered the immortal phrase:

What a way to run a revolution. Everyone knows you shoot the bobbies first.”

Whomsoever takes on the first minister role is charged with keeping the sacred goal of a nationalist party safe from prostitution or dissilution, warded against even those who claim to have had a road to Damascus moment. Thus, with my customary grace, I would wish to seethe freeloaders and opportunists neutralised, not sent out of Scotland, not anything close to England repatriating the Windrush generation and fearful refugees Black or White or any hue in between.

Furthermore, all institutional posts made vacant should not be advertised in the London Guardian, Independent, or the Times or the Financial Times. Nor should taxpayer cash be handed to the unionist press in Scotland. They announced they want Scotland to remain subservient to its neighbour, stay a non-nation, without full international rights. They must live by their decision.

Forced to make a choice from SNP MPs – some individuals have already ruled themselves out – Ash Regan is the only candidate so far to have shown backbone by withdrawing from Sturgeon’s sack of minority pick-‘n mix sex and hate laws that remove the vast majority of women’s hard fought rights. Secondly she appears to hold no animosity for those who were repelled by SNP’s contrary and divisive policies, ostracised by the party, or expelled completely. Nor does she say she feels vindictive towards the many who regrouped under the ALBA or ISP umbrella parties to hold tight to the ideal of a Scottish nation reborn.

Other than sending her children to a private school, a socialist discretion, I cannot find any embarrassing event or misdemeanour in her cupboard, but that does not mean the people of Scotland should drop their guard. But I am obliged to add that I have no idea of her political strengths as a strategist. We’ve taken a lot of battering and a ton of indifference from the Sturgeon regime. If Regan feels unsure of anything, she can surround herself with experience advisers.

Regan has a lot to prove and little time to prove her worth. She has to bring in non-London recommended civil servants immediately and the best constitutional intelligence on Scotland’s constitution. We see none resides in the COPFS office. Our colonial oppressors are circling, hoping to find the body of a dying Yes movement. Every decision must be a clear, concise and confident decision, not a misstep or a pratfall.

Ash Regan’s biography is under NOTES.


Ashten Regan (formerly) Denham; born 8 March 1974) is a Scottish politician who served as Minister for Community Safety from 2018 until 2022 when she stepped down in a protest over the Gender Recognition Act. A member of the Scottish National Party, she has been the Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for Edinburgh Eastern since 2016. Regan was born in Glasgow, where her mother, a Protestant, and father, a Catholic, owned a kilt shop on Sauchiehall Street.[ Regan attended primary school in Scotland before her family moved to England, growing up in Biggar, Cumbria and later Devon, where Regan attended a sixth form college. After graduating from Keele University, Regan worked as a PR and Marketing Officer at ScottClem for three years. She then went on to work as a Senior Account Executive at Spreckley Partners, before becoming Events Executive in late 2002 for Zinc Management. From December 2002 to August 2003, Regan was an Account Manager for Rocket PR. In October 2012, after graduating from OU, she worked remotely in Digital Marketing at Tearfund. Returning to Scotland, Regan became Head of Campaigns and Advocacy at the Common Weal Scotland, before her election to Holyrood. At a dinner party in 2012, Regan was asked by guests on her opinion on the 2014 Scottish independence vote. Her then husband, who was born in England, assumed Regan would vote ‘No’, however, after she conducted research she had found herself to be more leaning towards the ‘Yes’ movement. Regan joined the Women for Independence and was active in the Yes Scotland campaign. In January 2014 she was elected to the national committee for Women for Independence.[7] She recalled being “really passionate about Scotland becoming an independent country – I felt the arguments were really strong and I wanted Scotland to have more democratic choice”. Regan was an events co-ordinator for YES Scottish Borders. On 27 October 2022 Regan resigned, as Minister for Community Safety – no one quite knows what that entails – citing concerns over the Scottish Government’s support of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill. 

Ash Regan’s Community brief here:


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24 Responses to Ash Regan’s Mission Statement

  1. JSM says:

    If I was still an SNP member, she’d get my vote.

  2. Alastair says:

    I like Ash Regan she is a Unity candidate I hope she will work with Alba. We dont want the MI5 spy or any of the Cabal or any of the old guard they are trying to push forward .All the Murrells must go in my view and a night of the long knifes conducted to rid the party of the comfy slipper devolutionist rats that have kept us enslaved, I could mention the names but everybody knows who that rotten cabal are. We have had 9 years of nothing let’s hope we get someone who will fight the fight we need, projecting our Sovereignty and Claim of right. We need to challenge our Colonial Masters Rule on every occasion, and refuse to acknowledge their Colonial laws that deny our democratic right to self determination.
    Dissolve the Union.






  4. lorncal says:

    I, personally, have lost all confidence in the SNP and in most of Scotland’s institutions and public bodies because they have all fallen under Stonewall’s spell. That means they were all willing to undermine and remove all female rights in favour of deviant men. That is it in a nutshell. You are right: they all need to be cleaned out, not out of vindictiveness, but because they will remain a threat.

    It is not a difficult idea, but too many still do not get the statistics involved: without the female vote, independence is dead. When did it become worth alienating the female vote in order to virtue-signal to these men? When? I have always suspected that there are far more of them than we are being told. I have never swallowed that 0000.1% drivel because it seemed to me that Stonewall and its arms and the politicians knew that there were far more than they ever admitted.

    I’m not claiming that there are millions of ‘trans’, but what I am saying is that their supporters who themselves might be closet ‘trans’/cross-dressers/fetishists/autogynephiles/paraphilics are supporting them, just one portion of society, and using our elected parliament to do so, and, therefore, pose a huge threat to society as a whole, and to females, in particular.

    When people are put into positions of authority and power over us, we have to trust that they are members of that party because they believe in what that party stands for, and not for personal gain or in order to promote insanity. We have to trust that they will govern for the many rather than the few, that they have done the due diligence, seen the risk factors, because to govern for the few in the teeth of huge opposition will eventually lead to their being ousted from power – as the Tories, Labour and the Lib Dems all know to their cost. The SNP has yet to understand that simple fact, and there is little to no hope of the Greens ever being able to do so.

    Realistically and pragmatically, I would choose Ash Regan’s approach because it is the only sensible and the least divisive approach, but, like or lump it, the SNP is still in power and is still the ostensible head of the independence movement, regardless of the ‘trans’ parasites who are sucking its brain matter out of its collective skull.

  5. duncanio says:

    I know little of any of the declared and potential other than:

    Humza Yousaf: Hopeless as Transport, Justice & NHS secretary.
    Angus Robertson: Also known to some as Mr Dempsie.
    Kate Forbes: Finance Secretary, avoided voting on GRRB
    Ash Regan: Culture then Community Safety Secretary, resigned rather than support GRRB

    On the basis of having proven to be a person of principle and in possession of a backbone I would prefer Ash Regan with Kate Forbes getting my second preference due to her proven competence over her brief.

    Yousaf next but only because he’s not Robertson.

  6. Grouse Beater says:

    Regan is not my first choice. This former MP not KC, on Salmond’s side, is my absolute choice, but the SNP is in so much of a mess he won’t risk his reputation at this stage by stepping in:

  7. anniethenoo says:

    Communities Minister is a wide brief but here is some of Ash Regan’s work:

    She also brought the Commercial Sexual Exploitation/Sex Buyer policy forward in 2016. Now Alba policy also, see here, please support the campaign:

  8. Grouse Beater says:

    Much obliged, Annie.

  9. Derek Aitken says:

    I’d vote for her if I was still in the SNP.
    I have always thought the GRRB was a unionist ploy to divide the voters of Scotland.
    Let’s hope there are many more like Ash Regan still in the SNP.

  10. Grouse Beater says:

    I think you are right about the unionist plot, Derek. The publication of the McDonald emails might well shed light on that justifiable theory, why the SNP ditched independence and chased an intrusive genital survey for a tiny minority, a survey guaranteed to ostracise women. And I hope it exposes the Brit State culprit members of that sad party.

  11. diabloandco says:

    I watched your choice a few years ago – absolutely superb! I think the Augean stable wouldn’t stand a chance against him.

  12. lorncal says:

    GB: Craig Murray’s record on the GRRB does not fill me with confidence that he would publish such emails. He was 100% behind this stuff, pooh-poohing women’s genuine concerns. I’ll be happy to be proved wrong, however, and I have never seen it as a Westminster ploy. Far too dangerous to Westminster itself. I think we have to accept that the Scottish version developed in Scotland initially. This stuff is as dangerous to England as it is to us, and for the same reasons. Not saying that using the S35 Order was not a slap in the face for the SNP and Scotland, but most people up here welcomed it, nevertheless.

    It was never used, until now, in all the time we have had devolution, and because Holyrood would have affected UK-wide existing policies. What else could they have done? Had it not been used, it would have passed into law, completely negating the 2010 Equality Act exception on biological sex. A GRC would have given biological men complete legal status as ‘women’, with access to every aspect of female spaces, services, sex-based jobs, healthcare, hospital wards, sports, etc., and women would have had to vacate all of these eventually. Would men have stood for this erosion of their civil rights?

    The campaign will continue down south, though, to repeal the 2004 GRA, the real source of the problem. There is no such thing as ‘trans’ – only larping men, porn-addled men and misogynists.

  13. Grouse Beater says:

    I too was disappointed with his cake and eating it. I felt he was protecting his reputation as an humanitarian rather than thinking through the political repercussions of approving in law that is a capitalist ploy to drive a wedge between women and men, and women and government.

  14. alfbaird says:

    “We will invite the Westminster Government to the Scottish Government to commence negotiations and a time frame for Scotland’s withdrawal from the UK.”

    Ash Regan is certainly the only realistic choice in the SNP for anyone interested in independence but I hope she realises that ‘Scottish Government’ civil servants have allegiance only to the ‘Westminster Government’! Before any negotiations she will need to clear the decks quite a bit.

    As you say, Gareth: “She has to bring in non-London recommended civil servants immediately and the best constitutional intelligence on Scotland’s constitution”; although arguably all of Scotland’s institutions will need close attention to better reflect the aims of an elected nationalist government rather than what we have – an anti-independence colonial administration that continually undermines our cause.

    Fowk cannae ser twa maisters!

  15. I’d forgotten all about Sir Nicholas Macpherson, appointed in 2021, to the Advisory Council. Eton educated, he has all the credentials to be the perfect infiltrator – he’s a cracker, for sure.
    Noticed, too, in the article pertaining to Macpherson’s appointment, that Kate Forbes endorses the Council and its ’10 Year Strategy’ (ergo, 2031 at least – no ifs no buts):

    ”Commenting on the announcement of the new advisory council, Finance Secretary Kate Forbes said: “As we emerge from the pandemic, we must work together to seize Scotland’s potential and build an economy for everyone by delivering greater, greener and fairer prosperity.

    “The pandemic has led to fundamental shifts in sectors such as retail, and changed the way many businesses operate with more online trading and remote working. We need to build on these innovations and guide our economy to the industries and opportunities of the future.

    “Our 10-year National Strategy for Economic Transformation will utilise the expertise of business, trade unions and economists to deliver a focused plan of actions and projects to help transform our economy and help us reach net zero.”

    Forbes will also chair the advisory council.”..

    Seems Ms Forbes was perfectly on-board with that Council and its 10 year strategy?

    Not wishing to show favouritism to any particular candidate, I notice Alison Balharry (interesting, in-the-know, character) had a swipe at Regan yesterday:

    Who do you trust, when even the shrewd Salmond left the fox in charge of the henhouse?

  16. Grouse Beater says:

    I see I blocked the disputatious ‘AlisonB’ some time ago.

  17. Aye, opinionated she is, but what does she know, or not?

  18. sadscot says:

    The LGBT+ “wing” of the SNP is submitting a complaint about Forbes’ response to recognising a transwoman as a woman. It’s been stated this is a breach of SNP rules. These folk really don’t care what people are thinking out here. They soon will when the backlash comes if they get Forbes suspended or even expelled for simply answering questions truthfully.

  19. lorncal says:

    sadscot: These people are relentless. That is why it has to go all the way to Westminster for the repeal of the 2004 GRA. They will never stop unless we get them out of everywhere they have infiltrated. The Greens are going to prove to be an utter menace now and the complete folly and stupidity of ever having gone into an alliance with them is being shown up for what is really is – and what it really is, is in no way conducive to independence.

  20. sadscot says:

    It’s terrifying, Lorncal.

  21. Howard Cairns says:

    I watched Duncan Hamilton on Youtube. What a wonderful debate. A shame he is no longer in the SNP. What he could achieve. Still, we have Ash Regan. I hope she is as strong in her debates as Duncan Hamilton.

  22. Grouse Beater says:

    If Ash Regan is elected, (a slim chance, I’m afraid) and she keeps her promises, Hamilton might be encouraged to return to politics.

  23. Howard Cairns says:

    Here’s hoping!

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