Alistair Is Not My Darling



Alistair Darling – elected himself to sell Scotland short

For  leading a campaign demeaning and demoting Scotland, Alistair Darling is made a peer of the Realm. To retain your sanity you can only view it as a jest, his allegiance to corrupt rule made an obscenity by the elite, and all to teach Scotland its place in the scheme of things.

Darling is the one-time hard-left, protest marching politician who ended his career saving banksters from jail, and condemning the Scottish Government’s White Paper on life after 300 years of union limbo thirty minutes after its publication, all 650 pages. A case of an open mind permanently closed. As a speed reader he’s faster than the disappearance of fake goods on a Customs market raid. As a person to trust, his credibility evaporated even faster that his ability to read while preparing for a television interview.

He admits we can survive governing our own affairs but somehow thinks it ‘undesirable.’

He’s a geographically challenged Moses leading us to the same place we left.

It comes as a surprise he enjoys being detested. The impression he gave me was cardboard, a non-person, without personality, ever so slightly buttoned-up, the sort of guy who picks his teeth behind a covering hand.

I met Darling. We were alone in his constituency office for thirty minutes. He was MP for central Edinburgh. I was a constituent seeking his help to improve health and safety issues in my street where the council had failed to do anything. He failed miserably to be of help. Shortly afterwards he took over from Gordon Brown as chancellor of the UK Treasury.

I found him evasive, remote, without the slightest hint of humour.

Witty banter rolls over him like water off a duck’s back. Darling laughs only when he decides to laugh, never voluntarily. A face that needs a beard – he sported one later – he had an unnerving way of not looking at me as we talked, then turning to me slowly to shoot a disapproving glare above his glasses.

For my teenager years my mother only ever ventured one single piece of advice on assessing character: “Never trust a man who cannot look you straight in the face, and never trust a woman who can.” That seemed pretty good advice at the time and has stood the test of time.

Darling failed on both counts.

He wore a fluorescent white jacket, standard issue hair shirt and black silk tie, framing those dancing hairy caterpillar eyebrows in expensive bend-them-to-buggery-and-back, titanium-nickel spectacles.

Disconcertingly, rudely, he kept turning his back as we talked for reasons I cannot explain – I don’t suffer from bad breath or sweaty feet –  he attended to superficial matters, his focus undisciplined: shifting a pen from desk top to desk drawer, rearranging papers, hunting in his briefcase for something or other, perhaps the last of a bacon sandwich.

When he spoke that mean mouth always returned to a tight pout, an instinctive reaction to swallow his words. Was he listening to me? Maybe I was last in a long day’s queue and he wanted to get home. Who cares?

I found him heavy going. Mean.

I trust he’ll return to his home in London.  Who can bear his endless half-truths, lies, petulance, and bleating, or take his half-mad stare?

He is the only man I know who can light up a room by leaving it.


Lord Darling – socialism has its limits!

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24 Responses to Alistair Is Not My Darling

  1. mary vasey says:

    Your mother was so right, as mothers usually are. Failing to look you in the eye reminds me of why I detested Blair from the very start, and is a common trait of westminster rogues.
    Thanks for another excellent post.

  2. daviddynamo says:

    Hee hee, I especially enjoyed “He is the only man I know who can light up a room by leaving it.”

    It’s a gift Al has!

    Of course, in German “gift” means “poison”, and just like so many other BetterNoThanksTogether spokespeople, he has been spreading the poison of fear and doubt in the well of public debate, and spreading it deliberately. (Since I know a little German, that must make me a fascist cybernat, at least in No-think terms.)

    The official Yes campaign in comparison has to be nicely-nicely, turning the other cheek in its behaviour, which can be a little frustrating when the No side is busy smearing and slandering. One thing that Yes does well, however, is its Twitter messages, they are always good short positive messages about how Scotland can improve with independence. Easy to understand, easy to spread to others.

    For a more forceful rebuttal of the No side’s anti-campaign, I come here and to Wings. You both push back against the excesses of the unionists, exposing their lies, deceits, and general stupidity. Thank you for that, for being the iron fist inside the Yes campaign’s velvet glove. And all done without sweary-words!

  3. Grouse Beater says:

    Ah …
    I do use the odd sweary word, just not in a sweary way, if you see what I mean.
    But I do avoid obscenities. There’s no need when there’s plenty obcenties called lickspittle politicians and the largess they squander for their own ends.

  4. Nana says:

    Agree with Mary, mothers know best.

    AD does show some sociopathic tendencies….

    Sociopaths are professional liars. They fabricate stories and make outlandish, untruthful statements, but are able to make these lies sound convincing with their confidence and assertiveness.
    Sociopaths have delusions of grandeur, and oftentimes feel overly entitled to certain positions, people, and things. They believe that their own beliefs and opinions are the absolute authority, and disregard the opinions of others.
    Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing guilt or shame for their actions. They rarely apologize for their behaviour and are unaware of the emotional, physical, and financial repercussions of their actions. As a result, they betray, threaten, and harm those around them without feeling any type of remorse. Sociopaths are manipulative. They constantly try to influence and dominate the people around them, and tend to seek positions of leadership.

  5. Grouse Beater says:

    And sociopaths never learn from experience.

  6. northbritain says:

    Surely Alistair Darling, with his grey and black demeanour, would be a Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) and not a Carrion Crow (Corvus corone).

  7. Grouse Beater says:


    He will, after all, be well rewarded if Scotland buckles to the fear mongering

  8. Iain says:

    I was a student in Aberdeen at the same time as Darling and had the pleasure of never meeting him, although one of my friends was friendly with a couple of his exclusive circle as they had all gone to private schools. Two little stories: my friend was invited to a dinner party (yep, in 1970s’ student Aberdeen) which Darling was at, and he noticed Darling had a great trick for getting everyone to pay attention to him. While everyone was talking, Darling would mumble something at someone a bit away from him. That person would obligingly ask him to repeat what he said whereupon everyone else politely shut up to let him speak, and he would dispense his wisdom to the assembled audience. My friend found out it was a usual trick which even Darling’s circle found annoying. The other story was when my friend came back for a holiday after emigrating to Australia just after Darling got elected as an MP. When I told him about Darling, he said in total innocence, “I thought the Tories got wiped out.”

  9. Grouse Beater says:

    Aye, there’s a double conceit in the man; he thinks he’s a politician, and he thinks he’s a Scottish politician.

  10. Are these psychopathic symptoms rather than sociopathic?

    Was he eying you up for supper?

  11. Grouse Beater says:

    I’ve met lots of men seeking power and status. He had the hallmarks of that sort of ambitious social climber, concentration always on the next move.

    Oddly enough, the only other MP I’ve ever had to consult was Malcolm Rifkind. He had the opposite affect, attentive, consultative, generous, and a good sense of humour, everything you hope of your local representative. Years later I read of him he was was considered a good constituency MP.

  12. JGedd says:

    Actually, it has been discovered that sociopaths are often the very ones who will look you in the eye, very fixedly and disturbingly, because they, too, have heard the same adage (not necessarily from your mother? ) It was a popular observation at one time and of course, sociopaths, who are very interested in being able to charm or delude others, absorbed and used that. So if someone is holding your gaze with mesmeric intensity, then it could well be a sociopath.

    However, I do agree with you about Alistair Darling that he just exudes a slippery unease which does not invite confidence. Perhaps he isn’t sociopathic – he lacks the charm which sociopaths often cultivate – but just isn’t comfortable with people and is unable to conceal his lack of rapport and basic disdain and, unlike a sociopath, is actually uneasy at the lies he has to purvey so his jittery tics and edgy demeanour betray his inner turmoil. In other words he’s just an evasive politician who can’t hide his lack of warmth or his lack of a strong argument but keeps doggedly on because it is his career after all, with many lucrative perks.

  13. Apologies.

    Don’t have any info on fragrant Al that is not in the public domain. Do however have had an experience with another Scots Labour moral degenerate; him being the late unlamented Robin Cook. In the sixties my mother suffered horrendous domestic abuse at the hands of my step father, [he was later jailed]. She visited dandruff Rob when he held the position as Edinburgh Councils housing convener pleading to be re-housed. She backed this up with a medical letter and a copy of the Sheriff Courts restraining order. He heard her out promising immediate action.

    [This episode took place in the seventies, the abuse started earlier.]

    Thereafter, zilch, nada. Thinking there was communication problem she tried contacting him again. All avenues to him and his office were closed. Deliberately closed. She was a ‘little person’ you see. Someone of no consequence as he planned the rise in his glittering Labour [for the people] career. A monumental hypocrite, quite typical of Scots politicians who see Westminster as home.

    Hope I haven’t depressed you all too much.

  14. Me again.It was in fact the seventies when the Cook episode took place.The abuse started earlier.

  15. Grouse Beater says:

    Interesting anecdote.

    Robin Cook was progenitor of the ‘ethical’ foreign politics doctrine, a worthy ideal to pursue, but resigned over the invasion of Iraq before he could put anything worthwhile into effect, his energies no doubt taken up by a clandestine love affair he chose to pursue that might well have helped take a toll on his health. He died aged 59. His wife had a great deal to say about his unethical misogyny, including his compulsions as a serial bonker and boozer.

    Did you ever find out why he closed the door on your mother?

  16. Grouse Beater,
    In all truth I did not. [Enough Jeremy Kyle from me]. What it did do though was cause me to look at all those who entered Scottish politics with a jaundiced eye. What a sight. Definitely not for sore eyes. From pantomime clown David [Cyril only spanked them] Steel to Michael [hide the expenses] Martin, they have never disappointed in their betrayal of Scotlands greater good. Great blog by the way. At least till I arrived.

  17. Grouse Beater says:

    You mention David Steele – I knew Steele and his wife personally for a number of years – a politician with a truly terrifying fixed grin that was supposed to be a smile for the photo opportunity.

    I volunteered to take his troubled adopted son on board to have the arts channel his fears and anger constructively. Years later I needed Steele’s intervention in an injustice. He told me my appeal to him was stupid. He was chairman of the company that inflicted the injustice. Hoo haar!

    His wife I found congenial, something of the long-suffering about her demeanour. I read recently she’s a Yes vote.

    Many thanks for the compliment. Much appreciated. Spread the word – I hope to convince one person Yes means a progressive Scotland.

    Life is proving difficult at the moment, as it must be for thousands of others, but whatever our personal plight we dare not lose sight of the ultimate ideal.

  18. Grouse Beater
    Words are as cheap in cyberland as they out of most politicians mouths. Nonetheless believe me when saying that whatever in life is causing you grief at this time comes to a speedy end. A sincere all the best.

  19. Itchybiscuit says:

    The boy doesn’t seem quite all there half of the time. It’s like he’s uncomfortable in his own skin.

    I can well imagine where that feeling of unease comes from. I tend to get the impression that Scots in the HOC or HOL are there under sufferance – a necessary evil.

    I suppose the best analogy I can think of is when someone from the ‘ranks’ is promoted to ‘officer country’ in the army. Sure they’re now ‘officers and gentlemen’ as far as the men they lead are concerned but to their fellow officers? Well, they’re ‘not quite one of us’.

    I think that AD is despised by his peers (small ‘p’) in the HOL precisely because he was a ‘socialist’ (I’ve seen the photographs) and now he’s supposedly one of the ‘establishment’. I’d wager he’s made to feel uncomfortable even if it’s merely sidelong looks or raised eyebrows from his ‘fellows’.

    Perhaps that’s where his girning comes from. He’s climbed the greasy pole only to find that he’s not welcomed by the establishment he cares so much about? Whatever the case, he’s a thoroughly unpleasant troll on twitter who delights in mocking the Scottish Government. Well, THIS Scottish Government – SLab can do no wrong in his eyes. Which kinda leads me to think ‘what’s he drinking’?

    Thanks for the insight, GB. :o)

  20. Robert slavin says:

    Thanks for the read – abhorrent man and another “proud Scot” who wants to keep us down. It was never about a better future for us; always what they could get for themselves.

    I hope you write a book when we do get Indy on all these paid talking heads who lied to the people for their own prosperity. I welcome all the no voters who have now turned to yes they have realised they were lied to by these charlatans.

    Exciting times ahead mon ami

  21. Grouse Beater says:

    Listening to Darling speak you hear the same strangled vowels uttered by Malcolm Rifkind, another politician desperately keen to sound from the Home counties, which Darling was, born in London.

    Many thanks for your praise – I do my best but often fall short.

  22. dakk says:

    Enjoyable insightful article.
    Have not had the time or focus to read much of anything recently due to my own annus horribilis.
    Keep up the good work great stuff.

  23. Grouse Beater says:

    Troubled to learn things are not going to plan this year! Having been through similar of late I can attest the sun does get through eventually. Mind you, when it comes to life-giving sunshine I think lots of us were born in the wrong country.

  24. dakk says:

    Cheers Grousebeater.
    As for being born in the wrong country,I concur.
    Though an indy2 yes vote may just help salve my nagging sense of alienation somewhat 😉

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