Independence Marches On

Polls saying the nationalist cause is no longer a priority among voters are misleading., so much humbug, propaganda to instill doubt in the minds of Indigenous Natives. The aspiration once again to be a sovereign European state has only been strengthened by devolution. The SNP may be laid low for now or longer but the call of independence rings loud and clear and stronger than ever. Nationalist parties are needed to dirtect aims and goals, but the people are the one’s driving the engine of liberty Live by the maxim, acknowledge the political reality but reject defeatism. The answer is not as far away as we think, it’s within us, no colonial entity can steal it from us.

Like an arthritic old tree in autumn, the Scottish National party is shedding its voters. It does this almost seasonally, a shrivel followed years later by another spring. And yet the SNP’s soul and cause, independence, isn’t shedding its supporters. Backing for that stays roughly where it’s been for a decade, at just under half (occasionally just over half) the poll samples. How does that make sense?

Scotland can seem an imperturbable land. Every year, the hills change colour from russet to green, as the geese end their loud argument, rise and head north. And yet vast things have happened suddenly here. Ten thousand years ago, the climate abruptly shot up by 9C in little over a century. Glaciers melted, trees appeared; deer, human beings, wolves and bears ventured back to a cold but habitable Caledonia. Two thousand years later, the coast of Norway collapsed into the sea (the “Storegga slide”), sending a mountainous tsunami roaring across to scour eastern Scotland and its terrified hunter-gatherers. Scottish politics in our time can seem dreary, pettily fractious. But when they do change, it’s precipitate. The old landscape is scoured clean of its previous ecology.

Over the past century, Liberal, Tory and then Labour power monopolies have vanished under Storeggan mind-changes by Scottish voters. Now the deluge is racing towards the SNP – but not towards believers that Scotland should be a sovereign European nation again. Pollsters always report that independence is “a low priority”, well down the list behind NHS reform, the cost of living, bad roads and dud ferries. But this is a misunderstanding. The idea of independence lives in a different place to what the BBC (in its most English accent) calls “bread and butter issues”.

An unassessable number of Scots who would never vote SNP have moments when they find themselves thinking: “Wouldn’t it be fine if we were just a normal wee nation again, alongside all the others?” Only to dismiss the thought as absurd, “divisive” or “crazy in times like these”. It’s like a tiny blue-white pellet lodged in the back of the brain. Normally inert – but when it lights up, Scotland’s history changes.

The SNP, a neurotically law-respecting and “civic” nationalist party, has also cuddled some nicely dressed illusions. For example, that by governing devolved Scotland well, they would persuade the electorate to take the next step into independence. But even if the SNP had passed that test (which the Scottish public doesn’t concede), where is there an example of a “provincial” administration whose success convinced its people to risk a further step into secession? Come to that, what nation ever chose independence because a careful weighing of its possible impact on pensions, interest rates and the price of imported duck soup came out positive? Things just don’t happen in that logical way. Instead, independence usually falls out of the sky. It’s dropped by some external crisis: war, revolution or imperial exhaustion.

The Poles fought for 123 years to regain free nationhood – but they won it in 1918 only because three partitioning empires had folded almost simultaneously. The same was true for other post-Versailles states. Some, such as Czechoslovakia, were almost spooked to find that the Habsburg empire had abandoned them. Ireland became free through miserable bloodshed and then civil war, while civil war and revolution devastated the new-born sovereignties of Finland and Hungary.

The dissolution of the British empire is now craftily presented as Westminster’s far-sighted mission, a plan to lead all those underdeveloped natives to civilised parliamentary democracy. The truth is that it was furious protest in most of those “possessions”, sometimes leading to years of brutal repression, that persuaded an unwilling, cash-strapped and increasingly weakened Britain to back out of empire. The decencies were preserved, of course. There would be an independence day with happy crowds, fireworks, a plumed governor or perhaps a royal, and the union jack wobbling slowly down the mast at midnight …

I am holding in my hand a postcard, almost 30 years old. It shows the Scotsman’s front page on “Independence Day”. An outburst of fireworks over Edinburgh; an expectant floodlight trained on the flagpole on the battlements of Edinburgh Castle. The card proclaims: “Now’s the hour: As 300 years of the Union ends, ‘a nation again takes its place in the world’”. But it’s just a publicity item, designed for STV to go with a 1996 “independence” documentary by George Rosie and Les Wilson, which was followed by a televised debate.

Since then, devolution, the return of a Scottish parliament and the 2014 independence referendum have laid out a new constitutional landscape. The “No” side narrowly won the 2014 referendum. But the “Yes” campaign, though it lost, turned out to have blown a transforming wind through Scotland’s grassroots; excited thousands gathered to hope, argue and demand (“Scotland Yes! But what sort of Scotland?”).

One outcome was to lift independence from dream status to a practical, serious option for Scotland’s future. Another, following the “Yes” defeat, was an unexpected stampede to join the SNP. By 2019, the party had 125,000 members. Today, the leaves are falling; that total is about 70,000. Some have just given up on “politicians” and the SNP’s “failure to deliver”. Many others are shifting to Scottish Labour – but often carrying their faith in independence with them. They form a growing, unreliable crowd of nationalist squatters inside a leaky unionist building.

It’s very possible that the next Holyrood election (due in 2026, if not earlier) will end the SNP’s 17-year hegemony. The Scottish parliament could have a narrow unionist majority. Even if Humza Yousaf’s successor survived in government, his or her prospects would be bleak. The SNP leaders still believe that the Scottish public wants them to play by the rules. So they will keep on demanding London’s permission for another referendum, while any foreseeable British government will keep on refusing that permission. So stalemate … unless a far more impatient and radical nationalist formation emerges, pushing the SNP aside as Sinn Féin pushed the old Irish Home Rulers aside in 1918.

There’s no sign of that yet. Nevertheless, if a hard-line SNP leadership with a strong majority did emerge in the future, there are several ways in which it might provoke a head-on collision with London, a showdown that could rally public sympathy. Let’s call these strategies “As if” and (in parliamo Glesca) “Gonny no dae that!”.

“As if” means acting as if Scotland were already independent. It means marching ahead with legislation officially reserved to Westminster under the Scotland Acts and daring the UK government to intervene. The second strategy – Glaswegian defiance – would mean simply refusing to execute UK laws or orders that Holyrood thought morally or practically wrong for Scotland. Examples: refusing police protection for Home Office snatch vans driving from England to seize asylum seekers for deportation (see previous crowd actions in Glasgow and Edinburgh to block the vans and free their prisoners).

Another: to refuse to apply anti-trade union measures from the UK government, such as the strike-breaking Minimum Service Levels Act. Both these are already popular causes. Flat-out and sustained confrontation with the UK government over such laws could end in sanctions against Holyrood or even the suspension of the Scottish parliament; a provoked crisis, but one that could shift Scottish opinion irrevocably towards ending the union. However, there’s not the slightest sign in the SNP of the fearlessness such “illegal’’ behaviour would require. So the wish for independence will survive, even though the vehicle to carry it sits on the hard shoulder with flat tyres.

Why wish for it, anyway? There’s an enduring pull and an enduring push. The pull is that only with full powers to make law, negotiate and borrow can Scotland do the heavy lifting needed to tackle the legacies of intractable ill-health and a century of staggering underinvestment in all kinds of infrastructure. Independence within the EU could nerve a Scottish state to block the haemorrhage of economic control to London or to US hedge funds. That government might even dare to dismantle the toppling stacks of flabby, often pointless quangos and “authorities” which now suffocate effective decision-making in Scotland.

It’s the steady veering away of the UK – Tory or Labour – from standards valued in Scotland. Above all, it’s the integrity of the public sector, whether that is health, care, water or transport, which matters to this “statist” nation. It’s the gathering damage of Brexit, punishing a country that voted against it and which desperately needs European immigration to help its labour shortage and ageing demography. There’s a democratic problem, too. Ironically, by introducing democracy into the antique 1707 union, devolution showed why it no longer works. “Partnership” in a democratised union where 85% of the citizens belong to one member, England, can only be a fiction.

Then there’s the matter of England. London media imagine Scotnats hugging their hatred of the English. The truth is more wounding. The preoccupied Scots seldom think about the English at all. But they should. Whatever happens when independence floats back to the agenda, Scotland’s leaders must accept one basic fact: the relationship with England has and always will have a special and supreme intimacy. It will overshadow Scottish choices even if Scotland becomes a free republic inside the EU with a seat at the UN.

It’s true that England has its own identity crisis, now a spreading infection of authoritarian nativism and performative xenophobia. But English politics could be steadied by the shock and example of Scotland’s withdrawal from the union. It’s a narrow path. But a more genuine partnership waits at the end of it.

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11 Responses to Independence Marches On

  1. wullie says:

    Im sure that photo was taken in Glen Etive

  2. iainbruce0d2ace79f4 says:

    this is the most articulate and insightful commentary on our current marooned status as an independence movement

  3. twathater says:

    I’m sorry Iain Bruce but it just strikes me as a middle class academics vision of what he would like it to be , his claim that “The SNP, a neurotically law-respecting and “civic” nationalist party,” what utter rubbish , a more corrupt and venal shower of self serving reprobates and incompetents comparable only to the scum in WM it would be hard to find

    “Even if Humza Yousaf’s successor survived in government, his or her prospects would be bleak. The SNP leaders still believe that the Scottish public wants them to play by the rules. So they will keep on demanding London’s permission for another referendum,”

    Where is the evidence that the Scottish public wants the snp to play by the rules, the evidence is that the snp have done nothing, nada,zilch to promote independence for the last 10 years especially under the narcissistic autocrat sturgeons tenure and her puppet Useless Yousaf and soon to be the head redactor and continuity puppet Swinney

    “That government might even dare to dismantle the toppling stacks of flabby, often pointless quangos and “authorities” which now suffocate effective decision-making in Scotland.”

    There is no chance of that happening as they are the ones who have created these quangos and authorities to reward their fellow troughers

    There is so much more I could write but the authors scribblings just exude a colonised mind still trapped within the good old yookay

  4. Hugh Kerr says:

    Neal Ascherson is a fine writer but he lives in England and it shows! I remember meeting him at the count of the first Scottish Parliament election in Greenock. I was standing for the SSP on the list and Neal was on the Liberal list, Neal I said “ what are you doing on the Liberal list you are a socialist” He said “ oh they asked me and I just wanted to be part of it”! A bit like his article above ! Hugh Kerr

  5. alfbaird says:

    Correct Twathater; as postcolonial theory confirms, the mair assimilated native bourgeoisie intellectuals usually ensconced and encultured via the metropolitan capital seldom undertake ‘a reasoned study of colonial society’, hence the understanding of the people ‘remains rudimentary’.

    Postcolonial theory also tells us, among other things, that the independence movement splits into a ‘legal tendency’ and an ‘illegal tendency’; which more fully explains the SNP’s ‘petrifaction’ and ‘lack of courage at the decisive moment’.

    Perhaps Neal Ascherson is more a journalist than an academic; were he the latter he may have been able to come up with a theoretical framework which explains our colonial condition and sets out its only remedy

    This is the only such theoretical framework on the matter of Scottish independence, as far as I am aware, which Gareth kindly summarises:

  6. Grouse Beater says:

    To be a nationalist party, Twathater, willing to accommodate the colonial’s agenda, you have to be law abiding, complain but always accept (see GERS climb down) and the SNP is all of that.

    This is the party who dropped their justified campaign, “It’s Our Oil”. Why? I was told by the then too pleasant leader they were wary of “alienating English residents”. This is clear indication that they had no idea what it was they and us struggle against. They had done no study of anything, no look into how Scotland is held in an economic vice. They whittled down Scotland’s ills to a simple ‘governed by Tories’. And that is still the case.

  7. duncanio says:

    “The idea of independence lives in a different place to what the BBC (in its most English accent) calls “bread and butter issues”.”


    The aim of restoration of Scotland’s full self-government and independent statehood is not a policy like other issues – ‘it’s the Constitution stoopid’, to adapt a phrase.

    “Come to that, what nation ever chose independence because a careful weighing of its possible impact on pensions, interest rates and the price of imported duck soup came out positive?”


    The overarching argument, however, is not based on (transient) economics or financial gain/loss. It is about deciding our own priorities based on our own (permanent) values as a people and as a nation.

    “The SNP leaders still believe that the Scottish public wants them to play by the rules. So they will keep on demanding London’s permission for another referendum, while any foreseeable British government will keep on refusing that permission.”


    The sovereignty, self-determination and independence of the Scottish people is ours to have, not theirs to give.

    “Independence within the EU could nerve a Scottish state to block the haemorrhage of economic control to London or to US hedge funds.”

    Neither Agree nor Disagree:

    An independent Scotland’s options for commercial partnerships and economic policies will be decided after the restoration of the country’s nation-state status.

    “the relationship with England has and always will have a special and supreme intimacy. It will overshadow Scottish choices even if Scotland becomes a free republic inside the EU with a seat at the UN.”

    Neither Agree nor Disagree:

    An independent Scotland’s options for trading relationships, constitutional set-up and strategic alliances will be decided after the restoration of the country’s nation-state status.

  8. Grouse Beater says:

    A good summation, Duncanio.

    I don’t understand why people feel compelled to wipe out Ascherson’s thesis entirely, when, to our opponent’s displeasure, he is clearly keeping the flame alight while all around moan and groan indy is over – they parrot the unionist chant inanely. This is our illness, we take to self-abnegation, abandonment, instead of going onto the offensive. Yes, acknowledge current political reality, but reject defeatism.

  9. duncanio says:

    Agreed GB.

    It’s not over. It’s never over!

    How can it be when half the population want to be in total charge of our own affairs?

    What it will take, and what Neal Ascherson alludes to, is a much more bullish and belligerent approach from our political leaders.

    One where the supremacy of the Scottish Parliament is asserted in all matters, the politicians act as though the people are sovereign as per the Claim of Right, 1689 (rather than merely talk about it) and apply the universal human right of self-determination of peoples as depicted in the United Nations Charter, 1945 to Scotland.

    A referendum on our constitutional arrangements should be ‘Made in Scotland’ which defines a) Question posed, b) Answer options, c) Franchise for voting, d) Timing of the plebiscite and e) Vote counting inspectorate

    There should be no British involvement, influence or interference in this process.

  10. alfbaird says:

    Its clearly not over; moreover, according to the UN “a colonized people will never be at peace”.

    However, perhaps a key aspect here is that many intellectuals sympathetic to independence still appear to misunderstand, and have yet to acknowledge, Scotland’s colonial reality. They think Scotland’s situation is some kind of aberration, despite the fact a great many other colonized peoples were handed worthless violated treaties, with some even grudgingly offered a few pointless seats in the Imperial parliament.

    Yet what we continue to witness is all part of the well-trod decolonization template. National independence is decolonization, even according to the UN, and its about time Scottish intellectuals, national parties and wider society realised what independence actually means.

    Postcolonial theory and the ongoing rupture in the movement also confirms that, for colonial powers seeking to prevent independence:

    “Colonialism uses different types of native to gain its ends and the first of these are the traditional collaborators – chiefs, caids and witch doctors. Colonialism secures for itself the services of these confidential agents by pensioning them off at a ransom price (and) the tribe follows” (Frantz Fanon).

    This native elite collaboration is essential in order that colonial plunder of a people and their territory, which is after all is the main purpose of colonialism, may continue:

  11. diabloandco says:

    Excellent and a most excellent discussion.

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