Democracy – Westminster Style


The Gothic House of Horrors – packed for a photograph. On major life-altering issues few bother to attend debates

The entire No campaign was conducted in the most mendacious, and threatening lines possible, aided and abetted by the British press and media.

That corrupted, monstrous process does not constitute democracy. It is colonialism

To cap it all, we had Gordon Brown, a man who turned his back on his homeland when prime minister of the UK, indeed, he blocked reform, now a back bencher with no power, who rarely attends parliament, step up on stage and appoint himself ‘Governor General’ of Scotland to pronounce he is fighting for ‘Home Rule.’ Excuse me while I puke.

The vain-glorious tactic is redolent of the man, and emblematic of Westminster’s devious politics. His utterances are repugnant.

Labour betrayed their own voters; their voters gave them the finger. Against their party’s stringest advice, all of them voted Yes, in Glasgow – where most Scots live – the city of Dundee unconcerned about the scare of job losses in the shadow of Trident.

Shaft the voter

Already, the three Westminster political parties cannot agree on a way of assuaging voter’s anger that they are cheated – half-of-Scotland voted for genuine self-governance, the other half for new, unspecified, vague powers, (more fool they) offered by Westminster in a last-minute panic after months of refusing to offer as much as a lump of roadkill.

Salmond gave the people of Scotland the chance of empowerment, to take their own decisions. The enlightened took the gift; the other half decided they would rather have alien rule imposed upon them, the very opposite of empowerment.

In the end what happened is what we all hoped would not happen – Westminster’s only way of killing democracy and hope was with the voluntary connivance of the Scottish elite. Sure enough, they lined up for preferment: Brown, Darling, Lamont, Carmichael, Murphy, ad nauseam. The quislings stepped forward, caps proffered for reward.

Meagre extension of powers

Whatever ‘powers’ are offered, history warns they will be an extension of power, not new powers. Most assuredly, other existing powers – finance – will be withdrawn in the interest of balance, and to appease England’s colonial politicians.

After all, when Cameron’s stepped out of Number 10 Downing Street to talk to the world he made plain the Referendum was not about Scotland’s sovereignty, it was all about England’s place in the world. Scotland, he said, in so many words, must wait its turn until England gathers the greater power.

Cameron’s pronouncement is compounded by Labour’s Jack Straw who advocates a law making illegal any chance of Scotland gaining independence in the future. Well, at least he is honest in expressing his antipathy to democracy.

It was 1707 repeated, right down to the same threats, the same blackmail by wealthy business and landowners, and the lies of dishonest, deceitful lawyers and politicians.

There will be no therapy or healing emanating from St Giles Cathedral this time around. The United Kingdom is well and truly in pieces. All the Queen’s men and all the Queen’s servants cannot glue it together again.

What is left in the wake of the Referendum is fury and greater resolve to achieve justice.


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7 Responses to Democracy – Westminster Style

  1. robbylad says:

    The anger still simmers in me too

  2. Grouse Beater says:

    Don’t extinguish it. Keep it alight.

  3. I will not be going back into the box and for as long as I live, my friend, I’ll continue the fight for my country. I am prepared to pay any cost that may have.
    My sorrow turned to anger, my anger turned to resolve, all in the space of a day and that resolve will never diminish until either the task is complete or I lie dead. Finally after fifty years on this planet, I have found my true purpose in life and it will be my honour to work for the return of my people to the table of nations.
    Neither will I submit to the authority of the establishment and crown for they are clearly the avowed enemies of my people. I will do my best to live within the law, but I shall bow to none of these craven shysters and fascists.
    I believe that in 2016, we should cleanse Holyrood of the disgusting scabs of the Labour Party and exorcise that malign presence from the soul of Scotland for ever.
    These criminals should be afraid to walk Scotland’s streets from this day forward and I hope they will have the good taste to collectively remove themselves from our land.

  4. mary says:

    Well said all. I shall cling on and continue to coffin-dodge so I can hopefully see independence before I die. I too would give my all for this. AYE

  5. JimnArlene says:

    I think we all know that, the British state is nearing it’s end. We just wanted to do it, this time round, peacefully and democratically. At next years GE, if we send a majority of SNP MP’s to Westminster, with an independence mandate, the cat truly would be among the pigeons. UDI?

  6. daibhidhdeux says:

    UDI: Sounds good and appropriate (although I prefer simply abrogating the Acts and Treaty of Union as per international law given an independence-minded majority at Holyrood (with “bells on” at Westminster if a like-minded raft of MP’s are returned there: Pleasurable, but not necessary)).

    Always preferred this option, but understood/understand the Scottish Government’s approach of pursuing an openly negotiated’ :”legal” option as enshrined in the Edinburgh Agreement. To wit, to be seen to pursue a negotiated, “democratic” option even though, i suspect, no-one was daft enough to believe that a democratic, evenly balanced contest was ever on the cards (“match”-fixing being endemic to the “British” way of doing things (the fig-leaf of the Marquis of Queensberry’s Rules, aside – the kick one on the head and body type when one is assured the “neutral” referee is, handily, not looking)).

    This nonsense is not over yet as evidenced by the British “Unionist” , “big” political cats already pawing, and playing about with the twitching corpse of their “vow” to the electorate of Scotland to devolve more powers.

    A lie fallen for, and added to the appalling historical record of the Scots: A parcel of collective rogues and colluders (even allowing for any jiggery-pokery at the polls and in the MSM).

    To top it off, the Edinburgh Panda will not now be having her faux baby according to the British BBC who are backing a Hong Kong insurrection against mainland China (see IMPACT: HONG KONG PROTEST at the BBC’s CHINA SERVICE).

    I suspect the English may yet liberate the kicking, mewling “Jocks” with their multiple turns of their neo-liberal/-conservative screw to the detriment of the whole population thereof (Jocklandistan, that is).

    Fuck us.

    And hell mend us.

    However, as I said, I sense that this nonsense is not yet over.

    Even as the Aussies consider, again, changing their flag ( see the BEEB’s WORLD SERVICE).

    Somewhat ironic given the Australian PM’s intervention into the Scottish/British constitutional debate (job done, Tone).

  7. daibhidhdeux says:

    UDI: Sounds good and appropriate (although I prefer simply abrogating the Acts and Treaty of Union as per international law given an independence-minded majority at Holyrood (with “bells on” at Westminster if a like-minded raft of MP’s are returned there: Pleasurable, but not necessary)).

    Always preferred this option, but understood/understand the Scottish Government’s approach of pursuing an openly negotiated “legal” option as enshrined in the Edinburgh Agreement. To wit, to be seen to pursue a negotiated, “democratic” option even though, i suspect, no-one was daft enough to believe that a democratic, evenly balanced contest was ever on the cards (“match”-fixing being endemic to the “British” way of doing things (the fig-leaf of the Marquis of Queensberry’s Rules, aside – the kick one on the head and body type when one is assured the “neutral” referee is, handily, not looking)).

    This nonsense is not over yet as evidenced by the British “Unionist” , “big” political cats already pawing, and playing about with the twitching corpse of their “vow” to the electorate of Scotland to devolve more powers.

    A lie fallen for, and added to the appalling historical record of the Scots: A parcel of collective rogues and colluders (even allowing for any jiggery-pokery at the polls and in the MSM).

    To top it off, the Edinburgh Panda will not now be having her faux baby according to the British BBC who are backing a Hong Kong insurrection against mainland China (see IMPACT: HONG KONG PROTEST at the BBC’s CHINA SERVICE).

    I suspect the English may yet liberate the kicking, mewling “Jocks” with their multiple turns of their neo-liberal/-conservative screw to the detriment of the whole population thereof (Jocklandistan, that is).

    Fuck us.

    And hell mend us.

    However, as I said, I sense that this nonsense is not yet over.

    Even as the Aussies consider, again, changing their flag ( see the BEEB’s WORLD SERVICE).

    Somewhat ironic given the Australian PM’s intervention into the Scottish/British constitutional debate (job done, Tone).

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