Jon Stewart – US Election

This week Jon Stewart’s Debate Analysis:

Stewart looks at Trump’s blatant lies and Biden’s loss of concentration. The fallout from the first debate last Thursday is that, Biden showed his age, his troubling senior moments, and Trump showed his character is always to deride, to lie, to be boastful and totally untrustworthy.

Calls are now underway for Biden to be replaced. Democratic senator Claire McCaskill said on MSNBC that she was not sure “if things can be done to fix this” after Biden appeared to have been bested by Donald Trump, who despite making numerous false claims nevertheless appeared to be the more coherent of the elderly perspective candidates.

Biden’s voice at times sounded raspy, and at times he did not make sense, blurting out “We finally beat Medicare” at one point. Trump regularly answered straightforward questions – about the economy, or abortion, or the opioid crisis – with non sequiturs, but after the debate it was Democratic commentators who seemed most concerned about the potential impact on voters.

Maria Shriver, the former first lady of California, said she loves Biden, but that the evening was “heartbreaking in many ways” and that there was “panic in the Democratic party”. David Plouffe, a former Democratic Obama campaign official, called the debate “kind of a Defcon 1 moment”.

There is no easy process in place to replace Joe Biden at this late stage of the process, with him having triumphed mostly unopposed during the US primaries and all set to be confirmed as the nominee at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August. The only significant change would be if he were to voluntarily step aside, or even step down from the presidency. But if he isn’t fully cognitive how can he step aside without being asked?

If push came to shove, possible alternative names being touted include vice-president Kamala Harris, and California governor Gavin Newsom. Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, Illinois governor J B Pritzker and veteran Ohio senator Sherrod Brown have also been mooted.

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4 Responses to Jon Stewart – US Election

  1. duncanio says:

    The political equivalent of Ali v Frazier it was not.

    The criteria for success:

    1. Biden: must “not look old” nor ‘have a senior moment’
    2. Trump: must ‘not be an asshole”

    Automatic fail for both.

    A total humiliation on a personal level and, for the USA, the country is a laughing stock if this is the best they have got.

    And a complete irrelevance to the issues both the USA and the World are facing right now.

    Anyway that’s enough from me on this subject, I’m going to stick to discussing Scottish Independence … pass the debate Viagra.

  2. gunnbarrett says:

    Apart from the octogenarian issue, the two UK uniparty candidates are really no different.

  3. duncanio says:

    Yes, treacherous phoneys both

  4. grannijanni says:

    What concerns me most is that both these alleged geriatrics are in favour of continuing their inhumane and crazy support for ‘Israel having the right to defend itself’. Phhhhttt!!!

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