Readers might like to see some light-hearted banter from ALBA Party leader Alex Salmond, always at his best when meeting and talking to Scots. For my part, after a life trying to convince people of the truth, that Scotland is an extremely wealthy country, proven so by eminent economists and indeed the UK Treasury itself, followed by the late Lord Darling, an implacable foe agin Scotland’s liberty. Yes it’s propaganda, but it’s honest canvassing, as it should be not full of falsehoods and fearmongering of the sort promulgated by shameless unionists parties.

The video is ALBA party offering Scots an alternative to the SNP. Use it before the 300-year-old oppressors of our country, the British State, removes all of us to Rwanda. Vote for Scotland!

The video lasts 40-minutes.


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2 Responses to ALBA Days

  1. alfbaird says:

    that Scotland is an extremely wealthy country

    It certainly is Gareth, one of the wealthiest in Europe. And we know from postcolonial theory that colonialism is primarily about economic plunder. So how can we estimate the cost of this plunder?

    Based on analysis of GDP-per-Capita for neighbouring countries, most if not all with fewer resources than us, I estimate that the ongoing colonial exploitation of Scotland is costing Scots at least £150 billion per annum:

  2. Pingback: ALBA Days – For Scotland

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