The Salmond Interview

Where will Alex Salmond’s party be if the media refuse to allow them air and press time? Why is the SNP so scared of joining forces with a genuine independence party, a party that could give them a super-majority in the Scottish Parliament? What does Salmond think will happen to his colonial persecutors, should he win his libel case later this year, against those who wanted him removed from politics permanently, and with extreme prejudice?

Why have we seen Tory and Labour leaders come and go in Scotland ever since the SNP assumed power by voter consent, but Alex Salmond remains resolutely dedicated to securing Scotland’s liberty and just won’t go away?

These and other pertinent questions are not asked by Paisley buddy Sir Brillo of Paisley, Murdoch servant, interrogator and unionist hugger Andrew Neil. On this occasion his normal attention to detail deserts him. He sticks to asking general questions, repeating the same one in different words about the possibility of the campaign for greater rights dissipating, when in reality the march for full civil and constitutional rights keeps increasing exponentially irrespective of the SNP’s popularity or loss of it.

And you will love Neil’s asinine point that he thinks Salmond is the Farage of Scotland – a sneaky little slur, Andy, but we spotted it. The interview in 13-minutes in length.

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8 Responses to The Salmond Interview

  1. twathater says:

    TBQH I find the ignoring, apparently acceptable denigration and ridicule by Alex Salmond from Brillo Heid without challenge or fightback to be extremely sickening, this highly paid treacherous establishment poodle who takes great delight in demeaning and decrying anything about Scotland or Scots should be put in his place by the supposed experienced politician

    Why would any person allow themselves to be denigrated and demeaned in such a manner by a clown who is not interested in your opinion but has invited you for an interview to make a fool of you , he constantly interrupted Salmond and spoke over him making his responses weak, I found Salmonds manner to be subservient and too mannerly with no fightback or aggression

  2. duncanio says:

    “What does Salmond think will happen to his colonial persecutors, should he win his libel case later this year, against those who wanted him removed from politics permanently, and with extreme prejudice?”

    Is there a date set yet?

  3. mickmaw says:

    Twathater Says  “I found Salmonds manner to be subservient and too mannerly with no fightback or aggression” As did I, & I say that as someone who has always held the greatest respect for Alex, He now seems to not want to upset anyone, especially the SNP…& in truth for me at least he now lacks the aggression needed to lead a movement.. Sturgeon & her cabal maybe did not manage to jail him, but they have damaged him never the less.

    After leaving the SNP in 2018, after 53yrs.. I was a founding member of Alba because of my faith & respect for Alex.. But after 2 yrs, I could see that the fight that was in him, was dampened down.. And the very fact that he did say at the first conference that he would use the same franchise again, meaning ASKING fir an S30, and allowing everyone living here a vote on this countries future.. Yet when it came to BREXIT no European living in the UK was allowed a vote..For fear of them voting to remain… No other country allows incomers who have settled for a few months let alone a few years, to vote on such a big issue ticket.. And when the results were broken down, Indigenous Scots voted by almost 53% to Leave the UK..

    To use that same franchise said to me, Alex was also happy to be in government, albeit he ran a better government and did more through mitigation to help his fellow Scots.. And I now believe that is all Scotland can hope for, unless SALVO & Liberation.Scot can get the highest number of Independents to sign up to them, so that they can take our case to the UN.. AS Sara has proved there is another ROUTE and it is one that has allowed many countries like Scotland to escape their captors who rule over them from a different country….

    ALEX as someone who was known for spending most of his time in the WM library reading everything on Hansard, should have know that at the time of our Referendum, probably did, but wanted to be something the UNIONIST leaders were not, and that was treat THEM Fair with respect. Which Cameron proved was not WM’s Intention at 7.30am the next morning, with his EVEL. They had Captured Scotland AGAIN.. And as we are their cash cow, they are plundering this country of all assets even our exports have to be BRITISH.. For me, WM is removing Scotland as a nation, and we shall soon be that Northern region of England that many believe us to be anyway..

    My only hope is that ALBA make a breakthrough in 2026, and at the very least we will have a party that knows how to run this country. albeit still a devolved country..

    At 75 I no longer expect to ever see this country Independent, unless SALVO gets the numbers and takes us the route of the UN.. OR as a nation we declare UDI…As many countries now free of WM did before us..

  4. Grouse Beater says:

    No, but it remains autumn.

  5. alfbaird says:

    What a dire interview, Gareth! The assimilated native with a deep-rooted colonial mindset is one thing, the paradox of the erstwhile independence leader who has still to figure out our colonial reality another.

    Professor Edward Said notes two distinct political moments we should now be conscious of, and more assuredly post Scots enforced EU exit, blockage of electoral mandates, a national party seeking only an ‘accommodation with colonialism’, and a faux monarchy:

    1. a pronounced awareness that what we are dealing with here is an imperial culture which is an act of geographic violence, and:
    2. out of this comes the necessary idea of liberation as a strong new post-nationalist theme, the latter implicit in the works of Connolly, Cesaire, Memmi, Fanon, Freire and others.

    The Case for Freedom | Grouse Beater (

  6. Grouse Beater says:

    For the life of me I can’t understand why Salmond refuses to use the C-word: colonialism. It’s the key that unlocks the knowledge most Scots do not have, and England denies exists.

  7. diabloandco says:

    I suspect Alex Salmond was not ‘subservient’ but ‘careful’ , after all the media has determinedly ignored ALBA and Alex Salmond so any airtime is welcome.He can come out all guns blazing once the media has been lulled into a false sense of it’s own superiority and thinks he can gain nothing.

  8. duncanio says:

    I have great admiration for Alex Salmond. He’s honest and he’s gutsy, two attributes that already set him aside from the poodles in the SNP. He led the SNP into government, a dominant position in Scottish politics and the pushed the constitutional question to the top of the agenda, it being the dominant and defining issue of the last 20 years or more.

    He achieved what he could under the circumstances prevailing in 2014 by “bending Westminster to Scotland’s will” in order to extract a referendum. But, remember this:

    1. There were strings attached, namely the question asked and the franchise employed in the plebiscite.
    2. We lost.

    Alex Salmond proposes to “bend Westminster to Scotland’s will” again. But we don’t need to. We need to assert our rights of sovereignty (Claim of Right, 1689) and self-determination (UN Charter, 1945).

    So when the sneering toady that is Andrew Neil remarked snidely to Salmond regarding the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum that “you had your chance” the latter’s response should have been a belligerent

    1. Sovereignty is ours to have, not Westminster’s to give!
    2. Self-determination can be enacted by us however, whenever and as frequently as we like!

    Alex Salmond also remains in favour of the local authority franchise when it comes to deciding the constitutional question. Which means handing over part of our sovereignty to a section of the population that are

    1. Transient dwellers i.e. second home owners, term-time only student, British Army inhabitants furth of Scotland.
    2. Newcomers born outside of Scotland (e.g. in the rest of UK) with no emotional or cultural attachment to this country.

    Alex Salmond is a good man, with the interests of Scotland and her people foremost in his mind and thoughts. But he needs to change the deferential approach to one of defiance.

    I hope he does. But soon. The sand is swiftly moving through the sun-dial.

    And the Britz are still busy ripping-off Scotland, her assets and people.

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