Salmond to Stand for Our Parliament

Thought readers here pleased to learn – a huge percentage of you readers abroad, worldwide, the news that Alex Salmond, leader of the ALBA party, intends to stand in the 2026 Scottish nation elections, which if elected, takes him back into Scotland’s Parliament. And if he wins his court case against those who framed him, scheduled for later this year, he will be back with some force.


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9 Responses to Salmond to Stand for Our Parliament

  1. duncanio says:

    “And if he wins his court case against those who framed him, scheduled for later this year, he will be back with some force.”

    For the last 5 years my view has been that, regardless of whether Alex Salmond stands, gets elected or leads the national movement, we will not move forward on Scotland’s Cause until such time as the plot to first ruin his reputation then put him in prison plus the subsequent cover-up and whitewash of the parliamentary inquiry into the whole affair is revealed and that the sewer that has ran through the top echelons of the SNP and Scottish Government at that time is exposed.

    And exposed totally.

  2. Gordon Hastie says:

    And I believe Kenny McAskill is standing for the Grangemouth seat, having campaigned relentlessly to save Scotland’s only oil refinery. Alba – the only party that cares for Scotland and her people.

  3. Terence Callachan says:


  4. diabloandco says:


  5. Derek Aitken says:

    Good news for a change.

  6. Lyn Hay says:

    Great news, may we all live to see him – and Scotland – win!

  7. Ewenart says:

    Yes! And thanks to everyone who’s been so positively upbeat here… so much so, there’s little more to say, apart from knowing that the so-called Union is about to become a truly pitiful memory… Yet, our future is going to be as enjoyable as our Independent Scotland deserve it to be!

  8. arayner1936 says:

    Not convinced about Mcaskill standing in Grangemouth as local candidate, Eva Comrie has already announced her interest as an ‘Independent for Indepenedence’ in that seat?

    I appreciate he is supported the bid to stop the closure of the Grangemouth Refinery but why is he not contesting his curent seat in East Lothian? This risks splittng the Independence vote and allowing the seat to be taken by a Unionist candidate as is more likely to happen also in East Lothian if he does not stand there.

    Why risk losing two seats to Unionists?

  9. Grouse Beater says:

    His old seat was broken up, Musselburgh removed. He asked for the Grangemouth constituency. Alex relected and placed another candidate in East Lothian. Kenny has the experience. We are facing a struggle that if we lose, will see indie dead for decades.

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